Sorcerer Leveling Build
This build has incredible wave clear. This means you’ll be going through trash enemies quickly and you can quickly get a lot of Diablo 4 Gold, XP and loot.
Sorcerer really stands out for its options of defensive skills and its ability to get around dungeons quickly. You’ll need to be on top of using your cooldowns though, which is what makes this class difficult to play.
With our ultimate, we’re able to ramp up damage and take down bosses and tough enemies fast.
Sorcerer Skills
For our basic attack that generates resource, we’re going with Spark and Duriel Admission.
Our main core skill is Chain Lightning, which will be our wave clearing ability.
Frost Nova is here to Crowd Control and add the vulnerable status effect to enemies.
Teleport is our mobility skill that’s going to also give us a ton of damage reduction.
We get the conjuration Lightning Spear for some added Crowd Control that doesn’t require managing.
Unstable Currents is our ultimate ability. Using this ultimate is going to shoot out a random lightning skill any time we press a lightning skill over its duration.
How To Play Sorcerer?
When you’re playing the Chain Lightning Sorcerer, you’re going to want to always empty your resource first with Chain Lightning.
We’re going to be using a Legendary Aspect from the Codex of Power that’s going to make it. So, anytime we use one of our cooldowns, we’re getting mana back at the same time. This will help us in keeping Chain Lightning consistently going and will solve our resource hungry problem.
When we use our cooldowns, it’s going to be very situational. Teleport combined with Frost Nova can be a deadly engagement tool. But to get the most out of these, you’ll want to use them spaced out from one another using Chain Lightning in between.
Teleport is going to give us Damage Reduction but that wouldn’t really matter if everything around us was also frozen. You can also use teleport to jump over walls or terrain in the open world.
Lightning Spear is good to use anytime it’s off cooldown.
Unstable Currents is perfect for anytime we’re fighting a lot of enemies at once, especially anytime we’re fighting tough elites or dungeon bosses.
The first thing you’ll realize about the Chain Lightning Sorcerer is it’s extremely easy to decimate tons of enemies on the screen in an instant.
The key to mastering the Chain Lightning Sorcerer is learning situational awareness for which cooldown works best and being careful not to mash every cooldown all at once.
Sorcerer Skill Tree
For our skill tree, we’re going to put:
- 1 point in Glinting Spark for crit chance
- 5 points in Destructive Fireball for our enchantment later
- 5 points in Greater Chain Lightning for more damage
- 1 point in Devastation
- 3 points in Elemental Dominance for more damage
- 1 point in Shimmering Teleport for the damage reduction
- 3 points in Mystical Frost Nova for vulnerable and a lower cooldown
- 1 point in Elemental Attunement for the lucky hit to reset a defensive cooldown
- 3 points in Glass Cannon for more damage at the cost of taking more damage
- 1 point in Invoked Lightning Spear for the stun
- 1 point in Align the Elements
- 1 point in Mana Shield for damage reduction
- 1 point in Protection for a barrier
- 3 points in Static Discharge for crackling energy
- 3 points in Invigorating Conduit for more resource generation
- 3 points in Shocking Impact for damage on stun
- 1 point in Prime Unstable Currents for the attack speed bonus
- 1 point in Coursing Current for the stacking crit chance
- 3 points in Conduction for the movement speed
- 3 points in Convulsions for the stun process
Also, we use Vyr’s Mastery for not only damage reduction but the 15% to 40% damage buff.
Enchantments Sorcerer
In the very beginning, the Chain Lightning Sorcerer might feel really weak. But as soon as you unlock your enchantments, it’s really going to ramp up your ability to clear enemies fast.
Enchantments are unlocked from completing Sorcerer’s class specific priority quest at level 15. If you want to level up quickly, you might as well take a look the best Diablo 4 Boosting service.
Once you’ve unlocked it, there will be a slot available to allocate one of your active abilities to.
One of the best early enchantments for Sorcerer is Fireball. This will make every enemy explode on death regardless of which ability you use to defeat them.
At level 30, we’ll unlock the 2nd enchantment slot and we’ll allocate Chain Lightning to this new slot. This will make it so every time we spend 100 mana, it’ll use another Chain Lightning for free.
Sorcerer Legendary Aspects
Using 100 mana is going to make a lot more sense after we’ve gone over Legendary Aspects.
I have 2 favorite Legendary Aspects for the Chain Lightning Sorcerer that’s going to use both of our ring slots.
The Prodigy’s Aspect is going to give us 15 mana every time we use one of our cooldowns. You can get this aspect from completing the dungeon Witchwater in Hawezar.

Recharging Aspect is our 2nd resource aspect and is going to give us mana back for every time Chain Lightning bounces between enemies. You can get this aspect from Zenith in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of Control is going to take advantage of our ability to stun and freeze enemies and will give a 25% multiplicative damage bonus. Get this aspect from completing the Sunken Library in Kehjistan.
And the Storm Swell Aspect gives us a 21% multiplicative damage bonus while we have a barrier. This will be easy to achieve because our Barrier Passive is going to give us a 3 second barrier every time we use a cooldown. You can get this aspect from Onyx Hold in Dry Steppes. But first, you’ll need to complete the Onyx Watchtower to gain access to it.
There’s one legendary aspect you’ll need to keep an eye out for because they’re not available in the Codex of Power. Aspect of the Unbroken Tether has a chance to increase the amount of bounces of Chain Lightning, adding even more damage to our main skill.
Sorcerer Vampiric Powers
Let’s go over some of my favorite to use on the Chain Lightning Sorcerer.
It should be noted that you need to prepare enough Potent Blood, a kind of Diablo 4 Items, to unlock the Vampiric Powers you want.
Undying is going to help us stay alive. And since we constantly spam our abilities and core skill, Undying is going to give us back at least 1.5% of our max health every time we do this. This Vampiric Power works even into the late board game and will only get stronger as we get closer to the endgame.
Prey on the Weak is pretty decent by itself. Later, we’re going to be able to pair this with something like Metamorphosis and Accursed Touch. But during the leveling process, it’ll give us a solid 8% multiplicative damage bonus every time we use Frost Nova on enemies.
Hemomancy is my all-time favorite Vampiric Power that works on any leveling build and a handful of endgame builds. This Vampiric Power is going to basically wave clear for us without us having to do anything. It scales based on your maximum health.
But even at level 1, this is a very strong Vampiric Power. It will proc itself every 4 seconds, hitting every nearby enemy for 40% of your maximum health. It does heal for 1% of the damage you do. But don’t expect too much out of this. It’s just an added bonus.
Anticipation is just great on any build that uses an ultimate. It’ll give you 20% cooldown reduction but only on your ultimate. This is going to help us with better uptime on Unstable Currents, which is our main way of handling bosses and tough enemies.
Unfortunately, we don’t utilize the damage over time damage boost since we don’t have any abilities that do damage over time.
Lastly, we’re going to use Domination. Domination is another straight damage boost similar to Prey on the Weak. But it’s going to help us do extra damage to stunned enemies.
Our Lightning Spear Conjuration will be our only way of stunning enemies. But if you pick up the convulsions passive from the skill tree, you’ll have a chance at stunning enemies with any shock ability.