Why You Should Never Ignore Blurry Vision

By: admin

Blurry vision can be scary. Perhaps it’s a new symptom, and you’re wondering if it was something more serious than lack of sleep or double vision from too much alcohol last night.

After all, blurry vision can have a huge impact on your life! You may have to skip work if it’s severe, or it may lead you to miss seeing that child crossing the street. 

Here’s our complete guide to what blurry vision is, what causes it, and how to treat

Can Be A Symptom of Serious Underlying Medical Conditions

Blurry vision can be a sign of a serious underlying medical condition, so it’s important to never ignore these symptoms. Blurry vision has various causes, some of which can cause long-term damage to your eyes if not treated.


Glaucoma is a serious eye issues that can lead to irreversible vision loss if not detected and treated right away. Blurry vision is one of the signs and symptoms of glaucoma, and it needs to be investigated and properly monitored to determine the cause and formulate an appropriate treatment plan.

If left untreated, glaucoma can cause serious, permanent damage to the optic nerve and lead to permanent vision loss. It is worth exploring any blurry vision experienced, no matter how minor or temporary it may be.

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is a medical condition where the macula, a small area of the central retina, becomes damaged. Without treatment, Macular Degeneration can lead to central vision loss, causing difficulty with activities such as reading and driving. Blurry vision should never be ignored and those experiencing it should seek the advice of their eye doctor to diagnose the issue.

Additionally, lifestyle changes such as eating a well-balanced diet, avoiding smoking, and not over-exposing the eyes to sunlight may be helpful in preventing the advancement of Macular Degeneration. 

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that involves damage to the blood vessels in the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina). Initially, the condition may cause little to no symptoms, including minor vision changes such as mild blurring – so it is important not to ignore such symptoms.

If left untreated, Diabetic Retinopathy can lead to vision-threatening complications such as diabetic macular edema, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, and even legal blindness. 

What To Do With A Blurry Vision

It is important to determine the cause, as it could be a symptom of a more serious eye condition. Ignoring blurry vision can lead to permanent vision impairment or further damage to the eye. Early detection of an underlying eye condition can lead to treatment before the condition deteriorates further.

In the case of nearsightedness, an eye test and the use of corrective lenses may be the best solution. On the other hand, ignoring the blurry vision might result in the condition worsening, leading to costly medical bills or even irreparable damage to the eyes. Visit B-town Eye Care today to ensure your vision remains clear and your eyes remain healthy.

Don’t Delay. Check For Blurry Vision

Blurry vision is a common symptom of eye health issues and should always be taken seriously. If ignored, it could lead to more serious issues that could even result in permanent vision loss. It’s important to listen to what your body is telling you and take the necessary steps to look after your vision by seeking medical advice quickly.

Don’t take any risks: book an appointment with your optometrist today.

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