Are Online Classes an Effective Mode of Teaching?

Online education has been a hot topic in recent years. Schools and universities are increasingly moving towards online classes. The main reason behind this trend is that online education provides a better learning experience for students, along with many other benefits.

Online education was considered to be an abnormal and heterodox mode of learning. It was thought of as a fad, a way to pass time and even cheat. But, in recent years, online classes have gained immense popularity and credibility. Many schools are moving towards online education and offering more courses online.

The current situation has forced many countries to take an innovative approach to teaching, by having online classes. Online classes are a way of reaching more students, who otherwise would not be able to attend school or university. It is also a good way to reach students who cannot afford to attend school because they have to work.

The online method of teaching has been used in several countries around the world for years but recently started gaining popularity as it was recognized as an effective method during the trying pandemic times. Many schools and universities have taken action by shifting to online classes. This shift has been fueled by the benefits of online learning, including flexibility, easy access, cost effectiveness, and better opportunities for collaboration.

So, if you have been wondering that are online classes an effective mode of teaching, then let us help you learn some of its amazing benefits shared below: 

Online classes are flexible

Online classes are flexible in terms of time and place. You can take an online class from any place with an internet connection. This means you can learn from the comfort of your home or workplace, or even while travelling. You can also choose the time that suits you best for learning and completing assignments.

Most online courses offer 24/7 availability so learners are able to access their content at any time they wish, whether it be 6 am or 2 am! This feature is especially helpful for those who are looking for upskilling courses while doing a regular job.

Online classes are easy to access

Online classes are available 24/7, and you can access them from any device with internet access. You don’t have to be at home or school to take an online class. You can also access your online classes from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

Online classes are a great way for students who travel often or have busy schedules to continue their education. So, if you are already working, let’s say as a teacher, going for online teaching classes would be ideal for you.

Online classes are cost effective

The cost of education is rising at an incredibly rapid rate and online classes can be a cheaper alternative to traditional education. Students who take online courses are also able to save money on travel and accommodation. This can be particularly helpful for students who live far away from their university or college campus.

Online classes provide better opportunities to collaborate

Collaboration is a key part of online learning. Online classes provide opportunities for students to collaborate with others in the same class, across different courses and even around the world. As a result, students can learn from other people who share similar goals and interests.

Collaboration helps students build their personal networks and gain access to new information, which they would not be able to get otherwise. Students can collaborate with experts, professionals, or even teachers from other countries if they are willing to spend some time on collaboration projects such as video conferences or webinars

Online classes can be very engaging

Online classes can be engaging by using videos, animations, games, and other interactive elements on the platform. A lot of e-learning platforms now offer this feature. This real-time feedback will make sure all participants remain engaged throughout the learning process.

This helps with active participation because students cannot fall back on their old habits of daydreaming during lectures; they have to participate actively if they want to get an explanation or clarification from their teachers or peers. The same goes for live streaming where students can ask questions in real time so as not miss any important points introduced by their instructors during lessons

Online classes can help build communities across the world

Online classes can create an international learning community, where students can interact with each other and their teachers. By taking an online class, you can meet people from all over the world who share your interests and passions for learning!

This is a very useful feature for professionals who have enrolled in online upskilling courses. Becoming a part of such communities will help you get in touch with the right people who will help you get the best job opportunities abroad.

Personalised learning is better in online classes

Online classes offer greater flexibility that helps students to interact with their teacher and peers in a way that is best suited to them. For example, if you’re an auditory learner, you might benefit from listening to audio lectures.

If you’re a visual learner, reading the same material could be more beneficial for you. It also means that if your child has special needs—whether it’s learning or other considerations—they can take advantage of online classes as well!


The future of education is undoubtedly online. Online education has aided millions of people across the world to get access to an education, which was previously out of reach for them. 

So, if you are a teacher who wants to make the most of online classes, then check out Suraasa for some high-quality teaching related content. 

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