Safety should always be the number one concern when testing pipeline plugs. Naturally, any preventable accident, injury or death in this field is an relentless tragedy, so it’s imperative to ensure the utmost safety procedures are followed when installing this technology.
The best pipe testing Adelaide has will always follow rigorous Australian safety standards, and this includes enlisting highly experienced and knowledgeable staff who take safety standards very seriously:
Below is a piece on how these high standard contractors safely install pipeline testing technology to ensure their safety and that of the people around them:
Preparing the plugs
Highly skilled and experienced contractors will follow these types of guidelines for installing pipeline technology:
They will always choose the right plugs and accessories
There is absolutely no way a contractor would go to work without thoroughly checking that the equipment they are using is of the highest standard. Each piece of technology has performance specifications that they must abide by to choose the right equipment.
When they determine the back pressure
When determining the back pressure (the maximum pressure the plug can hold is the liquid or air (pressure) in the plug’s back or front which it must be able to restrain. A qualified and experienced home improvement contractor will never allow the plug’s back pressure rating to exceed the right amount.
They will always choose the right plug size
Pipeline testing plugs contain a maximum and minimum range for sealing size. The contractor will always ensure that the pipe inside diameter (ID) fits within the plug’s sealing range. It’s imperative that they check the pipe’s inside diameter and go with the pneumatic plug’s sealing range to ensure it will function correctly.
This is all part of choosing the right pipe design, as function can vary depending on the model.
They will always utilise calibrated gauges
Any professional contractor will know that you need to utilise calibrated gauges, as not doing so could result in plug under or over-inflation which, consequently, will cause problems. A professional contractor will monitor back pressure and inflation with calibrated pressure gauges, ensuring never to deflate a plug while the line still contains back pressure. What’s more, they will never fail to deflate a plug from a remote location, ensuring never to do so in the field of danger.
They will always analyse & clean the equipment
Plugs and other equipment has to be thoroughly cleaned and analysed before and after each usage application. The equipment shouldn’t be used if there is any indication of damage or over use.
The inspection should check for everything from abrasions to bulges, cracks to corrosion, damaged and loose fittings as well as leaks. The contractor will always check that the pipeline technology doesn’t contain any unwanted materials that could damage the plug. Dirty pipeline plugs could impact the technology’s back-pressure retaining abilities and disrupt the plug throughout the inflation or installation of the technology.
There will be an engineer on hand
The engineer will be responsible for determining whether a backup system is necessary and design a separate blockage component (if necessary). This separate system should be considered when it comes to preventing technology or property damage as well as the threat of injury or death.
These are the most imperative preparation safety aspects of the best pipe testing Adelaide has. Your contractor will be sure to follow these imperative safety techniques to ensure their safety as well as that of the people around them and the technology being used.