How to make a heart out of a gum wrapper in 3 ways?

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How to make a heart out of a gum wrapper in 3 ways – Did you know that over 160 million American chew gum annually? Research proves that chewing gum helps people concentrate and improve memory. But, did you know that a gum wrapper can be a useful thing after all? We usually eat the gum and the wrapper goes directly into the bin. But, here is something unique and productive that you can do with your gum wrappers.

Origami hearts can be made out of a wide range of objects. Dollar bills are also used in making origami hearts. Today, we are going to tell you how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper in 3 ways/steps. The boring rectangular gum wrapper is not that useless after all. Making cute little hearts with it. These origami hearts are a great piece of decoration. They can also be used as bookmarks and make a great little gift for your loved ones.

Let’s delve into how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper in 3 ways.

Pre Step: Get Some Gum

This is probably the easiest step to start with. Get a piece of your favorite gum. Pop the gum into your mouth but be sure to not throw the wrapper away. Origami hearts made out of gum turn great when aluminum wrappers are used. However, they just work fine with normal paper wrappers as well.

Step 1: Prepare – Square It Out

After you eat the gum and get the wrapper ready in your hands, you are supposed to flatten out the wrapper. Unfold it completely and examine its original shape. Most gum wrappers are rectangular. Now, you need to make a square out of your wrapper for the heart to shape perfectly. If your rectangle is long enough to make it into a perfect square when folded, do that.

But, in the case of an uneven rectangle that cannot be folded into a perfect square, you have to cut out the remaining. Use a ruler to accurately mark the 4 lengths of a square on the gum wrapper. Cut out the square precisely using scissors. To ensure that you got a perfect square, fold the square diagonally to make 2 triangles. Also, fold the other 2 elongated sides to form another 2 triangles. Flatten out the crease. Unfold the triangles and look if the crease lines show 4 perfect triangles.

If yes, then congratulations, you got a perfect square. Now, let’s move on to the next step of how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper in 3 ways.

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Step 2: Make the First Folds

The process of How to make a heart out of gum wrapper includes making some crucial folds. The more precise you make these folds, the more perfect your heart will turn out to be. Right now, you have got your perfect square in your hands. Now, fold one pointed end of the square towards the opposite end of it. Make a big triangle that uniformly covers the entire shape. Now unfold the shape. You will be able to see the crease lines from your last fold in the middle of the square.

Now, fold one pointed end of the square towards the center of the middle line. Next, fold the opposite end of your last fold in such a way that the tip of that pointed end touches the top edge of the last fold. How to make a heart out of a gum wrapper in 3 ways is simple if you master these folds. The next step is to fold the left and right edges upwards to align them diagonally at the center.

Step 3: Make the Heart

This is the final step on how to make a heart out of gum wrapper. Make these final folds to get an amazingly cute little heart. Till now, we have successfully formed the lower part of a heart. Only the rounded sides and the top remains. Flip your shape around. Now, fold the 2 top edges inwards. Next, fold the sides inwards as well. It is advised to tape these inward folds to keep them in place.

Now, flip your shape again, and there you go, your heart is completely ready. Gift it to a special person in your life. You may also be extra creative by painting it and doing extra stuff.

A Few Last Words

This is how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper in 3 ways. We hope you found this tutorial easy. Comment down below any step which is unclear to you, we will be more than happy to address it. Till then, have a great day chewing gums and making hearts.

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