How To Play Footdle Wordle Game? – Explore Info Here!

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If we can recall the times during the peak spread of Covid, there was a wave of depression and anxiety across the world regardless of people’s background or geographical location. Everyone was going through one of the toughest mental and physical challenges.

Furthermore, it brought boredom too as an aftereffect as the majority had nothing to do other than watching the news, taking safety precautions, or stocking supplies. However, entertainment platforms like Amazon Prime, Youtube, Netflix, and Game which became viral like Footdle overnight assisted people to overcome depression and direct thinking toward learning.

Where did Footdle Originate from?

Footdle is an adaption or version of a famously known game Wordle. Wordle is a puzzle game inspired by the mechanical layout of the 1955 pen and paper game and Mastermind but adding the twist of a word puzzle to it. The chief engineer and generator of this app, Wardle introduced the first version of this game in 2013 with 13000 5 words available in the English dictionary for the consumer and no limitations whatsoever.

However, Wardle added the idea of reducing the words from 13000 to 2000 words which were easier to apprehend and solve. This was due to Wordles seeing her partner, Palak Shah having trouble recognizing the not-so-common words. She completed the first original layout in 2014 and started focusing on other projects.

The game was set aside for a certain period until Covid hit major countries in 2020-2021. Seeing the opportunity in adversity, Wardle saw her partner’s interest and people in general toward Newyork spelling bee and a crossword puzzle. Wardle improved the Wordle by optimizing the website for consumer-friendly design and limiting the unlimited solve to one solve per day.

She launched the game on Jan 1 2021 and initially shared it with her partner only. In the second stage, Wardle promoted the game to her family, friends, and people in her close vicinity. Seeing the craze gradually increasing towards the few people playing Wardle was adamant to work the game through the general public after adding emoji style to the app. The footdle wordle game is an adaptation or a version of the game that inhibits all its feature but differs in nature. Footdle comprises football players’ guesses whilst Wordle only stresses word guesses.

The game started gradually with 90 players up till November 2021. In December the figure reached 300K and by January 2020 the game had been reached by more than 2 million people. The game became a viral sensation in a matter of months after its launch.

Twitter and social media poured with people sharing their regular scores from the game and how well the game was helping them improve their knowledge and pass the time productively. The massive success of the app is comprised of two primary reasons. First and foremost, the constant upgrade in-game and ita variant such as Footdle provided variety. Secondly, one puzzle per day created a sense of curiosity and left the players wanting more.

Read also: Heardle Music Wordle Game – How To Play It?

How to play Footdle Wordle?

 footdle wordle game


Footdle Wordle is another version or variant among many versions inspired by the same pattern but involves information about football players. Footdle Wordle is famous among football fans around the wordle because of its involvement in the game init.

Footdle  introduces you to a display of a hidden player and allows you 12 chances to guess the player. Along with other interesting features,footdle wordle game shows you different colors on your tab to inform you how close you are to the correct answers with each try. Footdle allows you to guess players from the top 5 competitions of football famous around the world, namely English, Spanish, Italian, German and French football leagues.

The game has two modes which include random challenge or today’s challenge mode based entirely on how online players want to move forward with the game. In footdle wordle, you have to guess 4 categories, the player’s name, nationality, the position of play, and at which club the player belongs. The green color in each category means you have to choose the correct answers, Red in each category means the wrong choice. Each day players are presented with a different puzzle or player to guess and only once a day, it can be played.

The game is a little different from the original layout of wordle in terms of guessing player instead of solving a puzzle and having 12 chances instead of originally 6. This version became a hit worldwide and ranks in the top 10among other versions.

Millions of people shared their scores regularly across Twitter and the count is increasing even today. The best part about the game is there are no protocols to install or have particular access to the platform. The online game can be played by anyone from anywhere and at any time. Furthermore, there are tips and tricks on the internet for solving regular puzzles. People use these tips to acquire help in guessing football player details.

Wordle Acquisition

Footdle or Wordle in general was acquired by NewyorkTimes on 31st January 2022. The price is still unknown at which the game was bought but according to some resources, it was more than or equal to $1 million. The official deal was announced in Feb of the same year.

Many people feared that the gameplay would be monetized and will not function as it used to. However, as of now the new york times has just upgraded the dictionary and eliminated some parts to avoid future controversy. Furthermore, they are regulating the game to be played through mobile devices also, attracting a wider audience to be engaged with the game.


Footdle has been one of the most viral games in Covid and Post covid times. Many online users find refuge to avoid their problems and enjoy the game. Social media gave a good promotion to the platform spreading it to all parts of the world. Having regular updates and guesses keeps the players on their toes.

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